What You Need to Know About the Mexicali Region

Amid the rising cost of shipping and often slow lead times abroad, you may be on the search for a manufacturing partner closer to the United States. Mexico’s reputation in manufacturing is growing stronger by the day, and our proximity to the U.S. border makes our country an excellent logistical solution. If you’re thinking about partnering with a manufacturer in Mexico, you may be interested in touring the plant before making things official. When you choose CaliBaja manufacturing, you’ll have the opportunity to visit our locations. We’re based in the Mexicali region, which makes it easy for individuals from the U.S. to travel here. Curious about what you need to know about our location? We offer an overview below: 

Mexicali is a Border Region

Once a small border town, Mexicali has grown to a population of approximately 1.1 million people. This city in northwestern Mexico is flourishing, largely because of its investment in education. Due to Mexicali’s location near the border, our city is a growing hub for manufacturing. 

Our Labor Force Is Highly Skilled

As mentioned, Mexicali has invested heavily in education. As a result, many of the workers here are highly skilled. At CaliBaja, our team of 1,000+ is well-educated and specialized. Another benefit of working with a manufacturing team near the border is that many employees are bilingual. This eliminates the language barrier that’s often a frustration when working with manufacturers overseas. Since our company is a U.S.-owned family business, you can rest assured that your questions will be answered promptly and efficiently. 

We Have Strong Infrastructure

In Mexicali, you can expect timely shipping thanks to our solid infrastructure. Additionally, our city offers diverse locations for your products to come to fruition. We have four locations (all in Mexicali) that can accommodate many different projects and budgets. Whether you need a Class A or Class B production space, we have options for you. 

If you’re in the process of finding a manufacturing partner, we’d love to be considered as your supply chain partner. Since CaliBaja manufacturing is located in the Mexicali region, we’re able to offer benefits to our clients that are hard to find elsewhere. Our highly-skilled labor pool, easy access to the border, and bilingual customer service team help ensure that your manufacturing experience is a breeze from start to finish. If you’d like to learn more about working with us, please reach out to us with details about your project. We’re looking forward to learning more about your needs and determining how we can help. 

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